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Main Photo: Acciari joins Serpent
By Mike Garrison
Serpent has announced that Rick Acciari of has signed on for 2012. They have also shared this quick interview with Rick about the upcoming season.
Serpent Driver Interview:
Q and A Interview

Q:  Its great new to hear you will run with Serpent, racing the Cobra Buggy ; when will you start racing it ?
A:   My very first Race will be "Italy Cup" @ IBR, Padova. The race will be held on 28th and 29th of January. Right now i'm testing the car in order to get ready to race.

Q:  What do you like about the  Serpent Cobra  Buggy mostly ?
A:  I think i like the feelings, the good traction, and mostly the lap times :-)

Q:  Will you also run the Cobra Electric version ?
A:  I think so, looks way too beautiful!

Q:  What will the next larger race you will be attending ?
A:  As I've said, i'm starting with a very big race. Then we got a pretty nice schedule for 2012

Q:  Which main races do you have planned for  2012 ?
A:  Neo Race, the 4 italian nationals, Perhaps Euro A, Euro B, Pierrefeu, The Italian Job, Bitty Contest and The Dirt Italy are planned right now.

Q: Which engine, radio-gear and tyres will you be using ??
A: I'm gonna use a Picco Boost engine, electronics from Futaba and PMT Tires for most races.

Q: Whats your occupation in daily life ?
A: I got my own web-magazine which i started this year with nice results, moreover i write for a couple magazines and am a photographer

Q: Any quote or news for your Serpent fans ?
A:  Of course! Let's get in touch, add me on Facebook and drop me an email for any kind of need about the Cobra. As a team we can do very well!

We wish you best of luck and lots of  fast races in the time to come !

Thank you!

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