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Andy Moore wins BRCA Rd.1

Race Results


Main Photo: Andy Moore wins BRCA Rd.1
By Mike Garrison
Hot Bodies Race Report:
Report by Andy Moore
The first of this years 2012 BRCA nationals were held at the very popular Cotswolds track this past weekend. With only one class at our Nationals this year it was a chance to see everybody running together with 10.5 motors.
All the HB drivers were running strong right from the beginning of the 3 rounds of practice on Saturday morning. I used practice to fine tune shock oils for the cooler air temps that we were faced with and overall I was really confident going into qualifying.
I was able to TQ round 1 and take 2nd place in the next in the next two rounds which put me in a solid position going into Sundays last 2 qualiflying runs. I didn't change anything going into round 4 other than switching to a fresher set of tyres, which helped me to TQ rounds 4 and 5 to take overall TQ spot for the main.
In the first final I had an awesome battle with Chris Grainger but an error free safe drive meant I took the first leg. During the second final I had a clean start and after a few minutes of pressure from Elliot Harper he made a mistake and I was able to cruse to the end taking the overall win. I decided to run the 3rd leg to test some different tyre prep and this worked really well. I was able to take another comfortable win in the final leg making it a clean sweep and the perfect start to the 2012 BRCA Nationals.
Now on to round 4 of the ETS and the Worlds Warmup!
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