By Mike Garrison
Several months ago, Venom announced that all of their products would soon be re-branded as Atomik R/C in addition to entirely new lines of products. More good news from the Venom/Atomik R/C homefront, as the official website, social media sites, and even a few new products have officially launched!
Atomik R/C Press Release:
Atomik RC announced today that it’s new website, blogs, facebook and twitter went live with minimal issues. This exciting new site features all of the current and re-branded Venom models and will also feature the entire new Atomik product launches for the 2012 season.
“This marks the culmination of a ton of effort and vision from everybody involved in the rebirth of Atomik. I am proud of where we are already and I know this is only the tip of the iceberg for the brand. Our new product line is going to catch the entire industry off guard and I can’t wait to pull the trigger on the complete launch.” says Keith Wallace, VPW Director of Sales & Marketing.
The new website boasts a crisp clean look and quick effortless navigation features allowing the user to easily find information, pictures or specifications on the entire product line. The site also features improved functionality in finding warranty and customer service support or any other company documentation desired. In response to the growing importance of social media to it’s customer base, Atomik has also completely reexamined it’s social media plan and added substantial resources in both technology and staffing to improve the user experience and increase the amount of traffic through these important vehicles.
“We have always pushed the limits of technology in everything we do, and social media is no different. Our customers have always asked for a more personal interaction with our brands, they want to know who is behind the brand, who works here, and what makes our company tick, so we listened.” Said Keith Wallace Director of Sales & Marketing, in regard to the expanded focus on social media.
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