By Aaron Waldron
About 8 PM CT on Friday, RC Tracks of Las Vegas owner David Taliaferro posted to the facility's Facebook page to notify the RC public that the doors were closing for good.
Coming on the heels of partner Chris Tocco's move to California (though the events were unrelated), Taliaferro said that the owner of the larger complex where RC Tracks of Las Vegas was located had been sold to a developer. Here's his full statement:
"Hello from RC Tracks. Unfortunately RC Tracks has been given a 90 days' notice to vacate the Sport Center. The Sport Center is being sold and an extreme water park and hotel SUPPOSEDLY is up next. It has been a wild ride but nothing lasts forever...or in this case the RUG IS PULLED OUT FROM UNDER US IN 3 YEARS...brutal. Talked to our Attorneys, talked to the Sport Center owner who's family are all Harvard educated lawyers lol, and the ride is over for RC Tracks at the Sport Center. Too many folks to Thank but if you ever lent a hand or donated time and or helped with track facility improvements or ever contributed in a positive way to the track, a HUGE THANK YOU, much appreciated!!!. To all the local racers its been a blast and we will see ya'll at the next track, hopefully RC Tracks made you proud to call it your home track... A Big Thanks to my wife Michele for letting me fund this operation and put another big time commitment on our plate. To my right hand man Troy Krentzel, everyone owes a pat on the back because without this mans tireless commitment, heart n soul blood and sweat left out on the track for ALL YA'LL TO ENJOY AND HAVE FUN RACING TOY CARS, RC Tracks would have never survived. My boy Troy, MUCH LOVE AND THANK YOU SIR! To all the haters and negative miserable folks that have bitched and complained about racing toy cars due to "whatever the fuck" you chose to bitch about, BYE! We have had a blast for the most part through many ups and downs of operating this facility and have learned a great deal about this RC Industry. I will never forget the smiles on the kids faces running around RC Tracks and having fun, that alone makes this journey well worth the ride! Thanks folks, MUCH LOVE, Tally out!
PS. Brent Astons 1/5 scale race will happen at RC Tracks on Sat DEC. 2nd. Please contact him for any and all info, its his show!"
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