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Coelho, Streit and Rathiesky claimed Euro Touring Series round two victory

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Main Photo: Coelho, Streit and Rathiesky claimed Euro Touring Series round two victory

By Aaron Waldron

Race report from Team XRAY:

T4 & X1 win ETS Germany


Race report by Bruno Coelho

"This weekend we headed to the 2nd round of ETS in Germany. The event started with some controversy due to the fact that the wrong carpet was delivered. Impressively the error was corrected, few hours later after we started the practices. With the changes on the carpet, our XRAY cars started really strong imposing a really strong rhythm.

At the start of the qualifiers and with the car as awesome as it could get, I was able to win the first 2 rounds ensuring this way the top qualifier position. It was also possible for my team mate Alex Hagberg to hold the second position by winning the 3rd round with a great pace.

Going to the finals, we had 4 drivers representing XRAY. In the first final a small mistake made my car flip over which got me to the last position right in the first lap and ending the final in 7th place. But not all were bad news due to the fact that Alex managed to keep a strong pace and win the A1.

In A2 I started determined make a flawless final and win, and I manage to do so, finishing with Alex right behind me. In the third final everything was open and a big fight was anticipated. From the start me and Alex kept a really high pace getting some distance to the remaining drivers leaving the entire fight between us until the end. Fortunately I was able to defend my position and managed to win the final and the race.

This was really a positive weekend for XRAY and also for me given that this was my first win in carpet. I want to say congratulations to all XRAY drivers for the great performance showed during the entire race, helping bringing our brand to the next level. Each time you make me even more proud to belong to this team.

I want also to say congratulations to Jan for the great results in Stock and F1, and also to my super team mate Alex Hagberg for the support, friendship and race ethic. I'm really proud of how much we've grown together. 

Hope to see you all in the next race."

TC mod:

  1. Bruno Coelho – XRAY T4
  2. Alexander Hagberg – XRAY T4
  3. Marc Rheinard
  4. Ronald Volker
  5. Akio Sobue
  6. Viljami Kutvonen
  7. Dionys Stadler – XRAY T4
  8. Elliott Harper
  9. Yannick Prumper
  10. Marco Kaufmann – XRAY T4

TC Pro Stock:

  1. Tony Streit
  2. Jan Ratheisky – XRAY T4
  3. Bernhard Bopp
  4. Mike Gosvig – XRAY T4
  5. Helge Johannessen
  6. Maxim Laverychev
  7. Marek Černý – XRAY T4
  8. Tom Kraegefski – XRAY T4
  9. Max Machler
  10. Martin Hofer


  1. Jan Ratheisky – XRAY X1
  2. Olivier Bultynck
  3. David Ehrbahr
  4. Rene Kolbel – XRAY X1
  5. Francesco Martini – XRAY X1
  6. Hebert Weber
  7. Massami Hirosaka
  8. Balint Rajki – XRAY X1
  9. Martin Hofer
  10. Matteo Berlincioni

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