Dec. 20, 2017, 1:47 p.m.
By Aaron Waldron
Press release from PDX RC Underground:
PDX RC Underground is now open!
After crowd sourcing $5000 in two weeks, PDX RC Underground in Portland Oregon is now open. The idea for a track was a complete accident. Portland has been without a track for several years, and the owner Kevin Focht sort of fell into the space " I was visiting a client (Kevin is a fashion photographer) and he asked if I wanted to look at the basement for a possible studio. The ceiling height was too short for a studio, but I showed him a pic of an astro RC track and asked if it would be ok. He said yes, so I became a track owner!"
PDX RC Underground has been open for almost 2 months now, and is growing every race. In the past week the track has hosted PDX Mini Z holiday race, Drone racing as well as many club races. PDX RC Underground is also hosting the 8th Rockstar series and has sold out the latest race that starts on the 29th. This is a big series hosted by Joe Pillars team manager for Yokomo, and Team Orion.
"I'm truly grateful how the community has pulled together to make this happen" owner Kevin Focht says "it makes me proud to be a part of making it happen."
In less than two months, the community of racers has turned a basement of a commercial building, into a beautiful race facility that can hold 60 racers. Astro was installed, then drivers stand and jumps were built. Pit area was put together after. Pretty amazing what a group of racers can do in such a short amount of time.
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