Feb. 21, 2015, 4:55 a.m.
By Aaron Waldron
In addition to producing high-quality servos so good that many drivers sponsored by competing companies choose to use them, Hitec released its first pro-level radio in years when the
Lynx 4S dropped late last year. Team manager Billy Tompkins brought new products with him to show off at this year's Dirt Nitro Challenge, including a new D-Series line of programmable servos and two HD video cameras made by AEE that can be mounted to any vehicle.

Not only are the new D-Series servos able to accept 2S LiPo power and come equipped with a 25-tooth servo spline, each of the six offerings are new versions of some of Hitec's most popular servos updated with a higher-resolution 32-bit "D-Chip" processor. With the HFP-10 programming module, users can define the center point, end points, servo transit speed, and deadband width, as well as configure failsafe settings to safeguard against a runaway if radio reception is lost. The D-625MW and D-645MW replace the incredibly popular HS models of the same model numbers, while the D-900s take over for the titanium-geared 7900 series range from speedy .07-second transit time of the D-940TW to the torquey 486 oz.-in. D-950TW. There's even a model ready for large-scale applications, with the D-980TW sporting a slightly larger case and 611 oz.-in. of torque at .17-seconds.

The higher end S60 is a 16MP unit that comes in a waterproof protective box and can shoot 2.5 hours of 1080 HD video at up to 60 frames per second. A wide 145-degree angle lens captures all of the action and can not only save it to an optional 64GB microSD memory card, but transmit the signal via WiFi.
Hitec's AEE MD10 is the world's smallest WiFi-ready HD video camera, using a 113-degree lens and can shoot up to 120 frames per second of 720p HD video for super slow-mo action. With a still-shot mode, three unique HD video modes, and an 8 MP sensor, the MD10 is a small but powerful package.
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