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Donations for the Oklahoma tornado victims at this weekend's AKA Mid-America Championship

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Main Photo: Donations for the Oklahoma tornado victims at this weekend's AKA Mid-America Championship
By Mike Garrison
As winter begins to warm up and bring spring and summertime in the midwest, it also brings the threat of tornadoes. The nation watches in horror as the residents of Moore, Oklahoma and surrounding areas were devastated with a tornado that left children and adults homeless, seriously injured, and dead.
When we spoke with fellow racer and friend, Tyler Keel, regarding the damage and devastation of his home town of Moore, Oklahoma he stated, "The tornado leveled everything on the south side of town. Before it took a right, and headed east, it was headed directly at me." 
Tyler escaped the tornado without injury, however he went on to say, "Just pray for the families. It hit the most densely populated area of town, leveled two elementary schools, and killed several kids." National news reports today that 24 adults and 9 children are confirmed dead at this time.
This coming weekend is the AKA Mid-America Championship race at Speed Monkey R/C in Irving, Texas. While racers all across the midwest will gather in Texas to race, Keel will be in attendance with a mission of his own.
Tyler has told us, "I have spoke with Steve at Speed Monkey R/C and he has been kind enough to let me set up a donation box at the AKA Mid-America Championship Race this weekend. Anything will help, clothes you may not use anymore, water, canned goods, baby formula, and from what the Red Cross is saying the most helpful money donations," says Keel. "I will have a box setup in or near my pit spot this weekend so come find me, if you don't know just ask around, I'll be the redheaded guy. I will be bringing anything donated home straight to the Red Cross. Please share and get the word out. My hometown needs help."
If you are not attending the race this weekend, but still wish to donate to the cause, Tyler has shared this list of ways to donate:
Our thoughts and prayers here at LiveRC go out to all of the families involved in this tragic act of mother nature.
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