Everybody knows that Friday is meant for reminiscing old times. Each week we take you back in time as we flashback to some of R/C racing's greatest moments, products, drivers, and more!
Flashback: 2014
LiveRC Raps featuring Ryan Maifield and Paul Lemieux
On this day three years ago, we published a music video of a rap song filled with jokes about Ryan Maifield - which was followed up a week later with a similar production about Paul Lemieux.
At first, we played it off like these were just video clips sent to us by an unknown RC racing fan — but as many suspected, LiveRC was behind it all along. Brandon submitted photos and potential punch lines to a recording artist he had found online, who wrote the lyrics and assembled the video. Thankfully, both Ryan and Paul agreed to be good sports about the whole thing.
The reaction to the videos was mixed between laughing with - and at - the songs. Ryan’s video blew up the instant we published it, but the reaction to Paul’s wasn’t quite as surprising and we never did put together a third one. Both songs are available on iTunes for those interested in cringing over and over:
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