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Gladiators RC Arena Re-Opening Announcement

Press Releases


Main Photo: Gladiators RC Arena Re-Opening Announcement

By Tyler Hooks

Press Release from Gladiators RC Arena:

Gladiators R/C Arena is proud to announce the Grand-ReOpening of Southern California's Largest RC racing Arena, just in time for the GrassRoots Race #4 to be held at the facility.  The track was formally know as WildWest Raceway but has undergone some management changes along with track and facility upgrades over the past month.   Gladiators R/C Arena has also rolled out a new website that is now "LIVE" ( ). The new website will help local and regional racers get the latest information on the happenings at the track. This will include a calendar of all upcoming practice times, club racing and regional races.

In addition, the website is packed with all types of information that is useful for our regular racing patrons all the way to the new hobbyist looking to join us for practice and club racing. We will also be linked to LiveRC, so you can quickly find the latest lap times and results. Plus podium photos, Kids Racing Program (Future Champions - Free Racing for kid 14 and under) and more.

The Gladiators Track Crew and Support Team have been working hard throughout Feb. to make upgrades to the track such as track changes (larger track) repairing the restrooms, adding some TLC to the drivers stand, pit-lane and preparing the facilities for the upcoming GrassRoots series race on Sat. 21st.. Gladiators R/C Arena staff would like to thank everyone for their patience throughout the last month and they are looking forward to seeing every once again as they now have Club Racing every Friday Night & all Day Saturdays in addition to 2 practice days per week.  See you there!



About the Author

Tyler Hooks is a recent college graduate with a BBA in management and a Minor in Communications from St. Edwards University as well as a ROAR Stock National Champion and was apart of the IFMAR World Championship USA team in 2016. Tyler is currently an Editor as well as in the Advertising department at Live Race Media and frequently is apart of the broadcast team at major events.

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