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Haatanen and Valander crowned Nordic 2WD and 4WD champs

Race Results


Main Photo: Haatanen and Valander crowned Nordic 2WD and 4WD champs

By Aaron Waldron

Race report from Juha Mäki:

Haatanen and Valander 1/10 electric buggy Nordic Champions

Pitkämäki RC-Circuit in Vaasa Finland hosted the 2016 Buggy Nordics 18-19.6.

The sunniest city of Finland did not shine for the racers. Rainy weather on Saturday postponed the start of the controlled practice and the qualification rounds until evening and the day ended with only one finished qualification round for both 2WD and 4WD . Sunday morning started with more drizzles and moist weather. A muddy second round of qualies was interrupted by light rain shower and after some delay round three started with a drying weather.

2WD TQ was taken by Team Associated's Joona Haatanen by winning two rounds out of three with a clear margin to other drivers.

2WD Quaification top three

  1. Joona Haatanen, FIN
  2. Joel Valander FIN
  3. Karri Salmela, FIN

4WD qualification was mastered by Joel Valander with three wins out of three. Valander took wins on all rounds with good margins with his XRay buggy.

4WD Quaification top three

  1. Joel Valander, FIN
  2. Joona Haatanen FIN
  3. Mikko Luopajärvi FIN

The weather brightened up as the final rounds got started.

2WD A-main was a show for a 13 years old Finnish talent. A1 Haatanen led from start to finish line and finished with a one lap margin as the fellow competitors made mistakes.

Haatanen took A2 with a same way and made the 2WD best lap record along the run. Karri Salmela took A3 as Haatanen "rested" and the title went to Haatanen, second was Joe Valander and third Karri Salmela.

According to Haatanen the win was secured by "easy driving without mistakes".

4WD A-main top positions slightly changed. Young drivers were again on top.

A1 was a tight battle between Valander and Haatanen as they drove "nose to tail" from the start to the finish. Valander crossed the finish line first with a 0.7 second gap to Haatanen.

A2 Valander took with eaze and secured the title with a clean sweep as Karri Salmela rushed from 7th starting position to second. Haatanen took A3 in front of Mikko Luopajärvi who finished second and secured his first Nordics podium place.

Winner's comment was like from a Finnish F1-driver Kimi Räikkönen while the press asked Valander to open up the secret for the victory; "the car was good".



  1. Joona Haatanen, FIN
  2. Joel Valander, FIN
  3. Karri Salmela, FIN
  4. Sami Salmela, FIN
  5. Mikko Luopajärvi, FIN
  6. Valtteri Eklund, FIN
  7. Ilmari Ullakko, FIN
  8. Oskari Mäki, FIN
  9. Jani Hovi, FIN
  10. Jussi Luopajärvi, FIN


  1. Joel Valander, FIN
  2. Joona Haatanen, FIN
  3. Mikko Luopajärvi, FIN
  4. Karri Salmela, FIN
  5. Henry Salmén, FIN
  6. Oskari Mäki, FIN
  7. Toni Niinivirta, FIN
  8. Antti Silvennoinen, FIN
  9. Ari-Pekka Kyykkä, FIN
  10. Juha Aromaa, FIN


The Nordics were combined with the second round of Finnish nationals.


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