Dec. 6, 2012, 4:38 p.m.
By Mike Garrison
As the sun has set in Buenos Aires, Argentina the rain has continued to fall from the sky in scary amounts, causing local flooding throughout the city. Our sources have informed us that the downtown area of Buenos Aires is in fact overwhelmed with flash flooding. Highways, neighborhoods, and surrounding areas are already shut down and water is rising fast. City officials are waiting to see if the downtown flooding reaches the point of needing to open the emergency flood gates.
IF the emergency flood gates are indeed opened, with the location of the Speed Paradise facility, the raging flood waters are rumored to engulf the entire track (located in a flood plane) putting it and surrounding areas completely underwater for as long as 2 weeks.
The ongoing rain and storms have already made racing on Friday questionable, but if the flooding continues could this be the end of the 2012 IFMAR 1:8 World Championships? Will TQ driver, Elliott Boots, return home to the UK the world champion all thanks to his impressive and dominating runs in qualifying alone?
Stay tuned as we bring you all of the late breaking news, and as we work hard to uncover more of what is next for the IFMAR World Championships...
(TOP LEFT - Cars crashed together after being washed down city streets. ABOVE -Downtown Buenos Aires, Argentina is flooding fast with no signs of the raining stopping anytime soon.)
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