Oct. 31, 2012, 5:36 a.m.
By Mike Garrison
Panther Tires Race Report:
Panther Tires Johnny LoGuidice took the “The Series” points titles in 2wd Mod Buggy and 2wd Mod SC divisions. Johnny’s Panther tires helped him take down wins at multiple tracks showcasing the flexibility of the Panther Tire racing tires!
Race Events:
Dirtburners: Indoor medium to high bite clay, none to mild dust, wet.
Buggy: Clay rattler 2.0 rear w/ stock foam, Bobcat clay front w/ stock 3/4 foam
Mod SC: Rattler SC clay front rear w/ orange foam
Litchfield: Outdoor loamy farm soil, wet and dry, rutted out
Buggy: Panther Tigers ss rear w/ stock foam, Panther Lynx 2 ss front w/ stock foam
Mod SC: Boas SC ss front and rear w/ orange foam
The Track: Outdoor clay medium traction, smooth, big air, dry but watered
Buggy: Panther rattler 2.0 ss rear w/ stock foam, Panther lynx 2 ss front w/ stock foam
Mod SC: Raptors Sc ss front and rear w/ orange foam
Stateline: Outdoor dusty/grooved, dry but watered.
Buggy: Panther Raptor SS w/ stock foam, Panther lynx 2 ss front w/ stock foam
Mod SC: Raptors SC ss front and rear w/ orange foam
AMS: Indoor high bite, bumpy, high speed, wet.
Buggy: Panther rattler 2.0 clay rear w/ stock foam, Panther bobcat clay front w/ stock foam
Mod SC: Rattler SC clay front and rear w/ orange foam
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