By Aaron Waldron
New from PROTOform:
Please join us for the 15th East Coast Race Against Cancer (RAC) Sept 22-24 at LCRC Raceway. Since 2001, this annual Remote Control Car charity race has raised over $131,000 for the American Cancer Society.
For those who have attended the RAC in the past, we're making some changes. First and foremost, the event has been relocated to LCRC Raceway in Oakland Mills, PA. The race has been shortened from 4 days to 3 days and we've made some slight adjustments to the racing classes. Kevin Mummah has committed to design a track layout that will accommodate the 1/10 scale classes yet still provide for the amazing 1/8 scale racing LCRC is known for. If you've never been to LCRC Raceway, this is a world class racing facility with numerous amenities including on-site hobby shop, large pit area, tons of room for parking and even RV hookups (limited availability, please call LCRC for details).
In addition there will be no advance registration or use of RCSignup, all registration will occur in person at the track. Due to significant cost increases and the time to manage the process, the event T-shirts will change. Being we are no longer accepting advance registration, shirts will be for purchase only at the event. More information to come regarding shirts, so please hold off questions about reserving shirts or their cost.
I'm in the process of reaching out to the RC Racing industry / community soliciting donations to our large RC product raffle. Historically, this raffle accounts for almost half of our annual donation to the American Cancer Society. If you're a corporate representative interested in supporting our event and I have reached out to you in the past, please watch your email. If you're in the industry and I don't know who you are, please contact me if interested in donating/sponsorship to our very special cause. Lastly, any team/sponsored drivers please pass the word about our race to your team managers, area tracks and racers everywhere. We'd like to make this year's RAC the largest ever.
Again, I would like to thank Kevin & Christa Mummah for hosting the RAC, their kind generosity and amazing hospitality. Please stay tuned for more information. Should you have any questions, my email address is below.
Thank you,
Scott Siegel
Racers Against Cancer Enterprises
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