By Aaron Waldron
Race report from Arrowmax:
Arrowmax Cup Malaysia RD3
Final Round of the first annual Arrowmax Cup Championship. It was a great year and success that we have been able to achieve thru the support of all that have participated thruout the series.
The day started with more than 50 entries in three classes. But the race today is a very special one, as we would be awarding the Dash Pro-Stock 13.5T Overall Champion that would have a free ticket to the famous Yatabe Arena for the Arrowmax Cup Finale.
With three classes, the fastest being the Boosted 13.5T class, it was Wong KokWai that was able to show that he will want to be controlling the field with a 12.709sec lap to be seeded No. 1 to head off the start of qualifying. While in the Dash Pro-Stock 13.5T Class, it was a returning racer Max Teo who has showed that he did not loose much in term of his speed, seeding himself as No. 1 with a fastest lap of 13.781sec, in F1, it was Sham Arop who was able to secure the No. 1 seed.
From the get go Wong Kokwai was able to control the field and secured the TQ spot in 3 out of 4 qualifying. With Azri Amri following suit and Michael Lo completing the top 3 in qualifying. For the Dash Pro-Stock 13.5T, it is Max Teo that showed that he is back in form to take the TQ spot form our Championship leader Dino Sidhu and the 3rd spot qualifying would goes to Shukri who is also the 2nd in line for the championship behind Dino. Sham Arop would take the TQ Spot for the F1 class.
The first final for Boosted 13.5T class would see Wong Kokwai leading the field from the tone, but a rare mistake got him and he fell back leaving Azri Amri and Michael Lo to fight it out at the front with the two of them exchanging lead lap after lap but in the end it was Michael Lo who triumph and got Final In Final 2, Wong kokwai and Azri Amri would be ready to take on the field again with Michael Lo getting a 1st in A1 would be the favourite. Again Wong Kokwai made a very rare mistake that took him down to 7th before even crossing the transponder line for the first lap and Azri Amri also making a rare bobble that let Michael Lo thru to take an easy win in A2 although Wong KokWai did try to come back at Michael Lo, but Michael would just take a controlled drive to bring A2 home with a win, confirming him as the winner for Round 3 of the Arrowmax Cup Championship. Final 3 would be a battle on who would take runner up spot with a A2 and A3 finish for Azri Amri, A2 and A6 finish, it would be hard to tell who would come up to take it. In the end it was the raw determination that got Wong Kokwai take Final 3 with the win and securing him as the runner up and Azri Amri taking the 2nd runner up spot.
In the Dash Pro-Stock class it will definitely be an even more exciting race as we are ready to crown the inaugural Arrowmax Cup Dash Pro-Stock Overall Champion after the three finals are done. From the tone, it was Max Teo that led the field until a mistake from him in lap 10 which caused him to loose more than 14sec on that lap alone that allowed Dino to take the lead and Dino would never look back and cruised to take Final 1 with Shukri following behind, with our TQ only managing to secure a 4th place finish, despite loosing almost 25sec on track. Final 2 will be intense with another win, Dino will be the overall champion. Both Max and Dino had a great fight from the tone and it was neck and neck with the two of them until lap 9 when Max Teo bobbled but still keeping Dino at bay, while Dino saw the opportunity, he marched on and tried to take the lead but it all ended up wrongly as Dino crashed and crippled his car in the end having to pull out just 3 laps from the end. With a win each for Max Teo and Dino, while Shukri who is 2nd in the championship has a 2nd and 8th would have a slight chance of beating Dino in the championship, if he can get a win and Dino getting 6th or lower. At the tone it was again Max and Dino and in the end Max Teo conceded with him not able to take the fight to Dino and allowed Dino to just cruise to a relatively comfortable win. Now it is confirmed! Dino Sidhu is the Arrowmax Cup Championship Dash Pro-Stock 13.5T Champion!
Now to F1; As the rules this year for F1 has been relatively open, it was a very exciting yet weird feeling as no one knows what is used by everyone and does make the competition a little more vague and not one person showing superior from race to race. It was Sham Arop who will lead in all of the finals from TQ positin that allowed him to take a relatively comfortable win and in the end it was F1 new comer that took surprise runner up spot after the 3 finals and Arif KR taking 2nd runner up.
We believe this is a great first year and hope that more racers can support us in 2018.
Boosted 13.5T Class A-Main Final Result: Michael Lo - Awesomatix A800X/ORCA
Dash Pro-Stock 13.5T Class A-main:
Formula 1 Class A main (no photo available):
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