April 5, 2012, 6:44 a.m.
By Mike Garrison
Shortly after the LiveRC crew returns from the Neo12 in England, it will be back on the road for the annual Silver State Nitro Challenge! Exciting news has made it's way to our inbox today regarding the event, and we are anxious to share it with you!
SNVRC Silver State Nitro Challenge Announcement:
SNVRC has just brought in almost 90 yards of clay to be mixed in with the dirt at Boulder City, Host of this years Silver State Nitro Challenge No more "Moon Surface"
we hope. We will start the build this weekend (in between watching the Neo Race!)
Sign-ups are still open on the site. Please sign-up (you can pay at the track) via the web site
Sign-up before April 19 so you don't miss your first practice run! You can also reserve a container via the web site which you need to do before april 16th.
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