On September 16,
KO Propo published a teaser image of this
EX-RR 2.4GHz radio system, the long-awaited successor to the EX-1 KIY introduced back in 2012. And now it's finally here!
EX-RR Highlights
- Utilizing KO's US Patented K.I.Y. system for modular components.
- 2.7inch LCD display for easy navigation.
- LCD screen can be rotated 90 degrees for personal viewing preference.
- Expert Grip Unit 2 includes the new trigger system for a linear direct feel.
- New steering and throttle angle sensors for precision and durability.
- Soft and linear steering spring.
- New functions added to the menu system.
- Quad signal outputs for KO's FHSS Normal, FHSS French mode system and Kyosho's MHS Mini-Z Normal and French mode.
- Higher quality wrap utilizing a carbon fiber water dip.
- Includes the new KR-415FH receiver that is compatible with the HCS operation.
- Using the K.I.Y. system allows for upgrades later without purchasing an entirely new system.
- EX-1 KIY and EX-2 optional accessories can be used with the EX-RR.

High performance CPU &
2.7inch LCD
Using a similar CPU to the EX-2 provides a super linear and fast response with new added functions. Each menu is displayed like an icon to make it easy to search and the new menu tree is useful for setting up to 40 vehicles.
Two LCD Positions
90 Degrees Conversion
The LCD screen can be placed in two directions for a preferred viewing position. The new mounting bracket for the LCD provides a stable mount.
Compact and Light Weight
Master Unit
Using a similar Master Unit as the EX-2 provides a compact, light and well balanced system. The Master Unit and grip panels have a carbon fiber water dip wrap and some screws have been changed out for aluminum for further weight reduction.

Newly designed throttle unit has
increased the direct feeling.
Changing the fulcrum point, lengthen the trigger, adding a spring tension adjustment along with a new angle sensor has created a more direct feeling while maintaining a compact and comfortable size.
Smoother Steering Unit
Optimized Wheel Size
A new soft linear spring gives a constant tension through the steering movement. The new wheel size has improved the reaction of a car operation.
New Function
Rollout Calculator
Also seen in the EX-2, this allows for the calculation of the rollout (car movement distance per one motor revolution) automatically.

New Function
Push Control
A motor that has a strong magnetic force will add a braking effect when the throttle is released and will make a car stall in the corner. Setting the amount of forward input to remain on the throttle as the trigger returns to neutral can be adjusted.
Includes the new receiver
The new dual receiver KR-FHD is included and ready to be used with the Normal mode or HCS mode when turned on. The long antenna version is included with the set.
KIY Accessories
KIY steering units, grip units and grip accessories are compatible with this system allowing you to customize your experience while using the EX-RR.
Select (40 model memory), Name, Copy, Reset, All Reset
Display, Battery, Calculator, Sound, VR Information, Config, Key Speed, Menu Speed, Language, Operation Time, User Time
Travel, Balance, Trim, Sub Trim, Trim Rate, Speed Turn(2way), Speed return(2way), Curve, Punch, Feel, Response, Auto Trim, Auto Balance, Reverse
Travel F, Travel B, Trim, Sub Trim, Trim Rate, Speed Turn(3way), Speed return(3way), Curve, Punch, Feel, Response, Push Control, ACEEL, ABS, Auto Start, Idle Up, Neutral Brake, Throttle Override, Reverse
KEY Setting
2WAY: 2 positions setting
3WAY: 3 positions setting
5WAY: 5 positions setting
ANALOG: 25 steps and end position setting
Twin Servo
AMP Mixing
Throttle MIX
Trim Set
Timer Start, Trigger Start, Lap History, Start Stop Key, Lap Key, Lap Navi, Alarm time, Pre Alarm, Alarm mode, Timer Mode (Lap Timer/Down Timer)
Product name: EX-RR / No.80576
Transmitter: KT-416FH
Master Unit: EX-RR w/ 10580 LCD Expansion Unit EXP-104S
Steering Unt: 10579 Drop Extension Unit (soft spring), 10574 Aluminum Steering Wheel 3
Grip Unit: 10578 Expert Grip Unit 2
Receiver: 21009 KR-415FHD (long antenna)
Operating system: steering wheel & throttle trigger
Number of channels: 4
Transmit frequency band: 2.4GHz
Neutral pulse: 1.5msec
Power source: RO3/AAA/UM4 battery x 4, or 4 cell battery pack
Current consumption: 150mA
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