Oct. 20, 2017, 11:23 a.m.
By Aaron Waldron
Press Release by RC Crew Chief
RC Crew Chief V4.3.1 will be released Sunday 22 Oct/17. This update will install automatically and all your models and setups will be retained. That said it always pays to be prepared for the unforeseen so I recommend that you Backup your database using >File >Backup from the top menu strip. For added insurance you can also export individual car files by clicking the "Export Car File" button in the Car Manager. This will save the Car, Chassis and Setups to a file that can be imported if needed.
If you encounter any problems with the update please contact me.
New Features
- Added Reverse Bell Crank Steering Model
- Added option for alternate horizontal positions on steering rack
- Added option for axle trail to front axle position
- Improved kinematic model used on Dynamic Page
- Relaxed limits on some chassis values
- Improved Motor Dyno page data range selection, and Dyno calculations.
- Minor changes to Damping > Dynamic Response Inputs and time range
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug on Dynamic page that reported incorrect weight transfer values after reaching droop limit
- Corrected boundary conditions on Damping > Dynamic Response page to eliminate step response clipping which occured under some conditions.
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