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New Serpent pro shocks for Spyder buggies, HD Lexan 1/8-scale wing

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Main Photo: New Serpent pro shocks for Spyder buggies, HD Lexan 1/8-scale wing

By Aaron Waldron

New from Serpent:

#500644 - Pro shock set RR SRX/SDX
#500645 - Pro shock set FR SRX/SDX

For the Serpent Spyder range of buggy cars (2wd and 4wd) we offer this optional Pro-type shock-set.

The Pro sets include hard coated shock bodies, hard coated shock caps (emulsion/membrame), machined pistons 2-hole 1.3 dia, machined spacers, travel-limiters, pre-oiled x-rings and Tin coated shock shafts.

Nice sets in case you want to replace the standard shocks, or need an alternative shock-set with different setting ready to test.

Smoother and more durable. Fits Serpent Spyder cars and a number of other 1/10 buggies.

#600840 - Wing lexan HD with gurney 1/8 (precut)

Serpent introduces this Billy Easton designed rear polycarbonate wing for 1/8 buggies and truggies.

The strong 1mm clear polycarbonate wing has large sideflaps for stability, maximum surface for the wing itself with 7 fins / ribs to add to the stability of the wing with a lowered left and right section with additional ribbing to guide the air towards the side-dams and guerney for added downforce and stability.

The wing comes with a seperate clear polycarbonate center section which bolts on the main wing with 2 screws in the top ( which keep the gurney down if applied ) and wit the 2 wing button-screws . The use of the center section is optional, but adds stability and downforce if needed. 

The supplied composite guerney can be bolted on the main wing to gain more downforce. Its bolts to the main wing with 4 screws. 

The whole wing comes pre-cut and only needs simple assembly. Hardware included.

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