Jan. 6, 2014, 10:35 a.m.
By Mike Garrison
The legendary R/C company, Novak Electronics, will be changing it's name for 2014. The company will now be known as "Novak R/C". The company released the following statement today:
Effective January 1, 2014, Novak Electronics, Inc. will be operating under a new entity named Novak R/C, Inc. Bob Novak, President and co-founder of Novak Electronics will retain partial ownership in the new company, and will continue to focus his efforts in product development. Bob’s daughters, Linda Novak Logan and Laura Novak-Roesgen, and Novak’s Engineering Director, Adnan Khan, all whom have been with Novak Electronics for over 25 years, complete the ownership. The management and design teams for Novak R/C will remain the same.
“We are excited for Novak R/C to continue the Novak legacy and bring innovative product to our customers. We will also maintain the high level of standards of customer service on all Novak products,” commented Bob Novak.
As the 2014 season is upon us, we look forward to seeing what is next for the orange brigade.
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