April 22, 2015, 1:53 p.m.
By Aaron Waldron
Press releases from Panther Tires Inc.:
Panther has unleashed the new 1/8 buggy Ocelot tire to the public in its new "Z" series of compounds. The tire tread along with the new materials have shown to be an excellent combination. The tread is ideal for most outdoor tracks and the new compound has extended wear characteristics allowing the tire to outlast and outperform the competition.
Darren Lord has been chosen to be the new Australian team manager for Panther Products. Darren has been racing R/C cars for 5 years now and won the Australian 4wd SCT AE masters, 2wd Stock Buggy AE masters and 4wd stock buggy AE masters classes in 2013. We look forward to having Darren as our team manager in Australia and his leadership in that part of the world.

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