By Aaron Waldron
Start your week by taking our poll! Every Monday morning a new question is posted, and the results of the previous week's poll are shared. Questions may discuss the direction of the industry, current events, and predictions for upcoming races. Polls close Friday evening, so make sure to get your vote in on time - this is your chance to be heard!
Less than two minutes into the final at the NEO Race a couple of weeks ago, early leader Ryan Maifield and eventual winner Davide Ongaro collided coming onto the straightaway. Here's a quick clip of the replay that posted to their Facebook page:
There's a lot at play in this brief instant. On one hand, Maifield was the leader - and generally, the car in pursuit is expected to wait until the pass can be completed cleanly. On the other side, though, Ongaro clearly had the inside line - and Maifield tried to maintain his position by powering around the outside. What do you think?
Who was at fault in this crash at the NEO Race?
Davide Ongaro - he should have waited for a better opportunity
Ryan Maifield - he should have conceded the position from the outside
Both drivers made a judgement error - but Maifield paid the price
Neither - it was simply a racing accident
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