Feb. 6, 2012, 6:36 a.m.
By Mike Garrison
Over the past decade the Team Associated line-up of B4, T4, and SC10 vehicles have proven to be race winners, however, serious racers will almost all agree that the servo saver can be an issue. The stock plastic servo saver won’t hold tight as many racers desire and cause inconsistent steering. To fix the issue required taking extra time to carefully glue the servo saver together and pray they hold together in crashes throughout the season.
Kurt Wenger (former AE engineer) has teamed up with Avid R/C to deliver a fresh new line of race performance products intended for the serious racer. We were lucky enough to get ahold of the first of many products to come, the all-new B4/T4/SC10 aluminum steering bellcrank!
The Test:
Upon sight of the new part we were already impressed as its stealthy black styling and machined logo just looks mean! We made our way to the workbench and started taking off the stock servo saver/bell crank assembly. The Avid aluminum bellcrank is a perfect fit to replace the stock pieces and to our surprise even eliminates the up and down slop as well! Being an aluminum part the new bellcrank is virtually indestructible, eliminating the worry of broken servo savers. In HARD crashes the impact is absorbed in the steering blocks which are considerably harder to break than servo savers, much cheaper to replace, and take only minutes to fix!
The Avid R/C Aluminum Bellcrank is shown here in Ryan Maifield's Factory Team B4.1 Being aluminum, we expected to gain considerable weight as opposed to the stock plastic, however, the new bellcrank is only 3g heavier weighing in at 10g versus the stock plastic 7g assembly. We gladly added the “extra weight” and in return added huge amounts of durability, less DNF’s, and tighter/smoother steering operation.
Overall the Avid R/C aluminum steering bellcrank is a must-have for serious racers, in our opinion. With a price of $20, it is well worth the expense considering the amount of plastic servo savers that most racers will break in just a year’s time can add up to twice that!
The Avid R/C aluminum steering bellcrank receives a 5 out 5 on the beacon rating!
As we mentioned this is a product for serious racers, therefore, a high-performance servo is recommended as some “cheaper” servos may not withstand the impacts with no servo saver. We also highly recommend using a small dab of blue thread lock when assembly the new steering bellcrank to ensure everything holds together strong.
Where to buy:
Part Number - AV1000
Price - $20.00
Availability - Available NOW!
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