Nov. 19, 2012, 4:35 a.m.
By Mike Garrison
RDRP Press Release:
Revolution Design Racing Products introduces the perfect solution to balance your Kyosho Ultima RB6.
The Ultra Motor weights in 30 and 60 gram made from Brass are the perfect tool to improve the traction of the RB6 on low-grip track conditions.
The Ultra Motor Weights are simply mounted between the Motor and the Motorplate. There are no extra-modifications needed. Only longer Motor Screws.
RDRP has tested the Motorweights on the RB6 with great results. Improved handling and forward traction. RDRP Teamdriver Elliott Boots is still testing the Ultra Motor Weights on several different track conditions in the UK.
You also can use the RDRP Ultra Motor Weights for most other cars to improve weight balance and handling.
RDRP0011 Ultra Motor Weight 30g
RDRP0010 Ultra Motor Weight 60g
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