Oct. 16, 2013, 10:28 a.m.
By Mike Garrison
It is not every day that something truly unique is introduced to the R/C market. Reedy's innovative 5800mAh 65C 7.4V SQ LiPo battery replaces the two-piece side-by-side saddle pack with a single hard-case battery.
By eliminating the need for a jumper wire and reducing the number of internal connections, power output and efficiency are improved. Dual 4mm sockets with a 2mm balance port allows users to balance charge the battery in the same manner as stick and shorty batteries. Complicated balance charge harnesses are a thing of the past!
Reedy's 5800mAh 65C 7.4V SQ LiPo battery shares the same internal construction and chemistry as Reedy's other competition LiPo batteries, which makes it perfect for stock or modified 1:10 scale racers who seek maximum power output and run time.
LiPo battery technology continues to progress and Reedy says they are "proud to bring improved performance to the masses."
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