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ROAR 1/8th Nationals Update

Press Releases


Main Photo: ROAR 1/8th Nationals Update

By Tyler Hooks

Announcement from ROAR Racing:

Registration will open for the 2020 Fuel 1/8 Scale Offroad Nationals at LCRC Raceway on Thursday, March 26th at 9 PM EDT. The event is currently scheduled to be held on June 24th - June 28th. The event flyer can be found at the link below.
We will accept 300 entries in the order that they are received using the date and time stamp of payment made as part of the online registration even in the event of system problems. Refunds for those who do not make the cut off will be issued upon request, otherwise any paid entries beyond the maximum of 300 will be placed on the wait list. 
Current ROAR membership through the last day of the event (6/28/2020) is required for entries to be considered valid, including on the wait list. Membership payments are not refundable if your entry is not accepted. Wait list entries must be paid in full to be valid. If you request a refund at any time, you will lose your place in line and have to re-enter.
We recognize that these are very uncertain times. Many may have problems traveling to the event and the event itself may be subject to rescheduling in the event local or national authorities continue to limit participation in events. As a result, please be assured that advance entries into all National for ROAR members will be eligible for refund, as travel restrictions, quarantine necessities and the scope of things related to the Covid-19 Virus change and evolve.
Although we are going ahead with registration at this time since the event is 90 days in the future, ROAR recognizes the severity of the threat posed by the Covid-19 Virus. As the date approaches and we have greater clarity on the local and national situation with the virus we will update our decision regarding the event. We will comply with whatever restrictions are in force at that time and act prudently to assure the health of our members and the public. 


The current situation varies from state to state and often within a state. We strongly recommend that all tracks and events adhere to the recommendations from authorities in their respective location whether that means limited operations, social distancing or complete closure. Please be safe. We want to see you at an event when things return to normal.



About the Author

Tyler Hooks is a recent college graduate with a BBA in management and a Minor in Communications from St. Edwards University as well as a ROAR Stock National Champion and was apart of the IFMAR World Championship USA team in 2016. Tyler is currently an Editor as well as in the Advertising department at Live Race Media and frequently is apart of the broadcast team at major events.

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