Feb. 8, 2011, 8:48 a.m.
Seeing as that LiveRC is based in the Upper Midwest of the United States, we can appreciate coats. We have a love-hate relationship with them, as a matter of fact. As much as we wish we would never have to wear one again, we know that it is a vital part of staying alive during much of the year.
Well, now that you're done reading that novel of an introduction, let me get to the point. Everyone's favorite (...or should I say favourite?) British car manufacturer Schumacher also knows the importance of staying warm. That's why they have released this all-new jacket, featuring water resistant, windproof 3-layer fabric.
Check out the pics below! Way better than a Members Only jacket!
Hmm...maybe LiveRC should make a jacket? What would that look like? Maybe a ghetto 'Starter' jacket from the mid '90s perhaps?
Source: Schumacher
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