Like many young RC racers, Cole Tollard got started racing RC cars with his father - and the pair began racing around Wisconsin before venturing out further as his skills improved. With an Open-class victory at the Reedy Race, a ROAR Nationals A-Main in Modified 2WD Buggy and an IFMAR Fuel Off-Road Worlds already on his resume, it’s easy to forget he’s only 16! As he prepares for another ROAR Electric Off-Road Nationals this week, Cole talked to me about his RC career, and his goals for the weekend and the future, for this week’s Talk It Up Tuesday.
AW: How old are you, and where are you from?
CT: I am 16 years old, and I’m from Omro, Wisconsin.
AW: How did you get into RC, and how long have you been racing?
CT: I got into RC racing with my Dad, and started at our local track. We bought a Traxxas Slash and raced oval to start with before moving to off-road. I've been racing for about 8 years.

Photo: Jim Tollard, via Facebook
AW: What school do you go to? What grade are you in? What are your plans after high school?
CT: I go to Omro High School, and I’m a junior. I'd like to go to school for engineering.
AW: What made you decide to start attending big races and trying to attract sponsors?
CT: I wanted to meet new people, try different tracks, and also get to see more of the country.
AW: What’s your favorite track? Favorite big event? What different classes have you raced - and which is your favorite?
CT: My favorite track is Trackside hobbies. My favorite event is the Reedy Race, and I’ve pretty much raced most classes. My favorite classes are nitro buggy and modified 2wd buggy.
AW: Having traveled around the world to different events, how does the racing scene in your area vary from other places you’ve visited?
CT: Our track is much more laid back.
AW: What are your proudest RC moments?
CT: Making the A-mains at last year's 1/10-scale ROAR Electric Off-Road Nationals and racing in the Invite class at Reedy.
AW: Where do you hope to finish at this year’s ROAR Nationals?
CT: Hopefully, I will make the A-Main again this year.
AW: Do you have any goals for your RC career?
CT: I'd like to go to an electric off-road Worlds!
AW: When you’re not at the racetrack, what are some of your favorite hobbies?
CT: Shoot baskets and go on bike rides.
AW: What’s the best part of RC racing? What about RC racing annoys or bothers you?
CT: I like meeting new people and hanging out with friends. People take things too seriously.
AW: Who are some of the people that have helped you the most?
CT: Brad Shearer, Chad Due, Kody Numendahl, Brent Thielke, Zac Rose, Jason Ruona, and my Dad!

Photo: Jim Tollard, via Facebook
AW: Thanks for the interview! Is there anything else you’d like to add?
CT: I'd like to thank all my sponsors for all their support! Team Associated, Reedy, Sanwa, JConcepts, 92zero Designs, FatGuyDesigns, Trackside hobbies,, RC Scoring Pro, Bubba's Bling, Sheareritpaints, MIP, TRZ Raceway, and VP/Powermaster Fuel
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