Colin Herzig, like many long-time RC racers, found the hobby to be an important release of competitive energy after a motocross injury. Living and racing in the Southern California area gave him a chance to befriend, and compete alongside, some of the fastest off-road racers in the world - and he took every advantage, improving his skills and networking with sponsors while enjoying the ride. Though he had enjoyed plenty of regional success over his seven-year racing career, he scored the biggest wins of his life earlier this year when he captured both Expert class titles at the Dirt Nitro Challenge - the event that convinced him to take his hobby to the next level. Here's what Colin had to say about life, racing, and what part of RC means the most to him.
Aaron Waldron: How old are you, and where are you from?
Colin Herzig: I am 25, and I live in Monrovia, CA.
AW: How did you get started in radio control, and how long have you been racing?
CH: I raced motocross from when I was about 9 years old until around 18 years old. Unfortunately, I had a really bad wreck which broke my wrist, and I had to get a big surgery. After my surgery, a buddy of mine invited me to Revelation Raceway, and I was pretty much hooked from the first time I saw a buggy going around the track. I have been racing for around 7 years now, and wouldn't trade it for anything.

Photo: Razor Hobbies
AW: When did you decide to start taking racing more seriously, traveling to larger races and acquiring sponsors?
CH: For the first year of my racing I just had fun with it, and I didn't really know that there was bigger races other than club racing. In 2009, my good friend Jimmy Pierce invited me to the Nitro Challenge. I was so shocked at how big the event was, how many people traveled to an R/C race, and how competitive it was. I did horribly at that race but it just motivated me to want to get better and acquire sponsors.
AW: What do you currently do for work? Is it difficult finding time to commit to practicing and racing?
CH: I currently work at my family's business, which is an aerospace CNC machine shop, and my position is the project manager. Luckily, my dad raced a bunch of different things throughout his life so he totally understands the time commitment aspect of racing, and doesn't really hassle me to much for taking time off to go race.
AW: What’s your favorite track? Favorite big event? Favorite racing class?
CH: My favorite track would probably have to be either Thunder Alley or Dialed In. For sure, The Dirt Nitro Challenge is my favorite event - I haven't missed one since the first time I went in 2009. And 1/8 Nitro Buggy is my favorite racing class, by far.
AW: What did it mean to you to win Expert Truck and Buggy at the Dirt Nitro Challenge?
CH: It was honestly a dream come true. To win the Truggy class was just simply amazing itself, but to win the Buggy class as well just topped it all off. It was probably one of the best moments of my life - everything just came together that weekend.
AW: Aside from winning both Expert classes at the DNC this year, what are your most proud racing moments?
CH: It was a huge accomplishment to make the Pro Buggy and Truck A-Mains at the 2014 Psycho Nitro Blast. I won the 2010 Sidewinder event in buggy, and finished on numerous podiums at local series races.
AW: Do you have any goals for your RC career?
CH: As of now I am gonna give it my all for the 2016 IFMAR Worlds. Other than that, I just plan to continue going to as many races as I can, and having a good time with my friends.

Photo: Rugspin Graphix
AW: When you’re not at the racetrack, what are some of your favorite hobbies?
CH: I still really enjoy riding dirt bikes, going camping, and do a little downhill mountain biking.
AW: What’s the best part of RC racing? What about RC racing annoys or bothers you?
CH: To me, the best part is going to the races and hanging out with all my friends. I've met some of my best friends from racing RC cars - truly life long friendships. Not too much bothers or annoys me, but I get tired of hearing people complain about stuff. In the end, if you truly enjoy racing, you’re still going to go to the races, and everyone has to deal with the same stuff.
AW: Who are some of the people that have helped you the most?
CH: There are countless amounts of people who have helped me along the way, but to name a few of the key people: Cody and Paul King, Peter Martin, Ryan Reese, Jimmy Pierce, Levi Jackson, Joe Pillars, Daniel Adams, and many more. Thanks to all of them, and everyone else who has been there for me.
AW: Thanks for the interview! Is there anything else you’d like to add?
CH: Thanks to all the guys at LiveRC for making our industry that much better and being so innovative. I also owe a huge thanks to my family for supporting me, as well as all my friends.

Photo: Alex Pilson
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