Sept. 30, 2013, 8:12 a.m.
By Mike Garrison
Welcome to LiveRC's weekly column, "Talk-It-Up Tuesday!" Here we spend a little time talking with industry icons including racers, manufacturers, team managers, developers, promoters, and everyone in between! Sit back, relax, and go behind the scenes as we interview them all!
You may have noticed lately the LiveRC daily news feed featuring more and more new products from a company known as "LFR". The big question many are asking is, "Who is LFR?" LFR is short for Leadfinger Racing, which is a relatively new company to the industry, and based out of Florida. They first released their lineup of various pit accessories, high performance skid plates, pit boxes, and now their slipper conditioning tool. The LFR line is continuing to grow, and we have began to see more and more of the brand around the nation.
We decided to sit down with founder and owner, Chris Schaefer, for an inside look to the past, present, and future of the Leadfinger Racing!
LiveRC: Welcome Chris to this edition of "Talk-It-Up Tuesday"! Let's start by talking about you and your racing. When and how did you get started in R/C racing?Chris: Well it all started with a best friend getting the original Team Associated RC10 in the early 80's. I was 9 yrs. old and had to have one. That Christmas I received the Tamiya Frog and got it together in a hurry. I raced that buggy up and down the snowy streets everyday and burned up rotary speed controllers left and right from getting it wet in the snow. The next year I bought my self the Team Associated RC10L and raced it at the local indoor oval track in North Prairie, WI. That thing was fast with the Joel Johnson Pocket Rocket motor. Good friend of mine still has it today with the same motor, Novak speed control and still runs it today!
LiveRC: At what point did you realize that you wanted to become not only a racer, but a business owner / entrepreneur in the hobby as well?Chris: 4 years ago the economy pushed me in and out of work. I worked as a custom high end cabinet maker for almost 10 years. It was my passion. My boss and I had a fantastic relationship but work finally came to an end. A year earlier I saw the writing on the wall and had to put a plan in order to make myself successful on my own. Having R/C as another passion I decided to change careers and become a business owner in the R/C industry.
LiveRC: How did Leadfinger Racing get started?Chris: Leadfinger started in a back yard track in Palm City, FL named Palm City Speedway. The track was made for running 1:18 Vendetta's and RC18's, later a 1:10 and 1:8 friendly track was built. We had up to 45 entry's at times holding local point series races and shoot outs. Adam the owner picked up the nick name Leadfinger because he laid down the fastest lap times out of everyone. It took me all year to finally beat him. Then the rain came. Gotta love Florida out door racing! We decided to shut down the track during the summer of 2011.
Adam approached me and asked that I carry on the Leadfinger name because I raced the local circuit. Soon I went from selling T-shirts to what it is today. We dreamed about the idea of someday seeing LFR on LiveRC. Well, after a lot of hard work a very supportive wife and team, LFR is here. And here to stay. I owe a big thank you to the supporters, local racers and tracks for believing in Leadfinger.
Without their trust in the products and the name, Leadfinger would not be where it is today. Thank you to everyone.
LiveRC: LFR started out by offering high quality skid plates for various models of cars, but has recently been expanding the product line. The most recent innovation is the slipper conditioning tool. Can you tell us a little about how the idea came about, and exactly how it works?
Chris: I started Leadfinger a little slower than that. Lance MacDonald was the first person to purchase our tire bands that are CA glue resistant. He spilled an entire bottle of CA on them. After the CA dried they all pulled apart. Bonus! The skids came about from seeing racers make there own home made ones. I thought it would be great to machine them so I started asking friends to trace there chassis. Patterns started to come in the mail and more LFR skids were born. I used to make them by hand in the beginning, spending 45 minutes to an hour on one. Stainless takes time to cut. Thank God we have a CNC to do the work now. Racers love the quality.
The Slipper Conditioning tool started with team driver Eric Hanna asking me if there was a way to sand slippers easier. He mention the idea of something like a hockey puck and sticking a slipper pad to it. My wood working skills kicked in and there is was. In my past carrier you had to be fast and keep things simple so I came up with the idea to sandwich the slipper pad and sand both sides at the same time. I introduced the idea to team driver Tylor Weaver. Being an engineer He provided measurements for the idea. We made a few tweaks to the CNC and the over looked tool was born. I then found the best grit for truing diff rings and washers. Leadfinger now has a one of a kind tool for the budgeted and hard core racer to maintain there differentials . Change the grit of the disk for your application, twist both sides a few times and your done.

(New slipper conditioning tool.)

(Limited edition LFR Pit Box/Car Stand)
LiveRC: Tell us a little bit about how each product is thought up, designed, and developed.Chris: The products are thought up by listening to the racers needs. I pride myself on giving them quality U.S. based products that last and help keep them on the track. Developing takes some time. I have a family so I work late to stay ahead of my ideas. Making my products here are more costly but at the same time easier for quality control. The racer knows were there dollar is going and that is very important to me.
LiveRC: LFR recently took an enormous step forward as HRP Distributing has picked up the product line. How did it feel to receive that phone call?Chris: That was very exciting. HRP has been a tremendous help to the growth of Leadfinger by providing a larger customer base. Things are going great and there is always work to do. This can be a very difficult industry to get a handle on and to be accepted in. Trust can be one of the biggest obstacles, and HRP has helped to break the barrier as well.
LiveRC: Did you ever think LFR would grow to where it is today, and still continue to grow from there?Chris: I saw potential in the name and knew it would be a lot of work. I put my faith forward and everything started to fall into place. I work every day on Leadfinger with diligence. The down's can be very hard lessons to learn. While the ups are very rewarding.
There's a lot of competition out there. I believe that all of us need to support each other for survival of the hobby. This is for fun, you have parents with kids that look up to you and helping fellow racers is very important.
LiveRC: What are your future plans for LFR? Chris: I'm always looking to take LFR to the next level with new ideas. Right now Portugal, Spain and Italy have a lot of interest in Leadfinger and business relationships are growing. Going international was a blessing to me. Positive growth with quality products and customer service is key. I plan to stay focused listening to the customer.
LiveRC: Can you give us any hints or clues as to what might be next in the growing product line?Chris: I can say this, there are some irons in the fire and I am excited to offer the industry new product. I guess you will just have to keep your eye on us and see!
LiveRC: LFR has a pretty strong race team built up as well, several of which we saw at the IFMAR World Championships last week. How many factory drivers does LFR currently have?Chris: Leadfinger currently has 54 sponsored drivers in the U.S. and Europe. The Worlds was a bonus and at the time for LFR. Zack Genova had signed just 3 weeks before he left. We had a great time together at the Clash and it only seemed appropriate to get him on board. I don't just sign the fastest drivers. There is so much more to the hobby. Every racer is hand picked and has a special purpose for the team. Every team driver has a voice as well and I am here to listen.
LiveRC: What is one thing most people don't know about LFR and/or Chris Schafer? Chris: Well if you get to know me personally I'm a ham and love to goof around. Ask my wife whom I met while working for NASCAR. She worked as Tereasa Earndhart's personal chef on board the motor yacht Sunday Money, and at the time I worked for Bill France, CEO of NASCAR, on board the M/Y Finish Line for his son Brian. I was first mate and personal scuba diving instructor for the owner and his guests. Oh the stories I could tell. They were a fantastic family to work for.
LiveRC: Greatest thing about being a business owner in R/C?
Chris: I love people. This is one of the best ways in life to make friends, have fun, and work on my passion all at the same time.
LiveRC: Worst thing about being a business owner in R/C?
Chris: Working with competitors can be difficult some times. I understand the competitive aspect, but don't care for the stand off. I plan to do the best that I can for the industry and hope to break this barrier some day.
LiveRC: Chris, thank you so much for joining us today! We have been really impressed by your work and product line at Leadfinger Racing, and we wish you the best!
Chris: Thank you as well Mike, it was great to have the opportunity to talk with you and LiveRC today. Hope to do it again sometime!
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