Nov. 25, 2013, 8:44 a.m.
By Mike Garrison
Welcome to LiveRC's weekly column, "Talk-It-Up Tuesday!" Here we spend a little time talking with industry icons including racers, manufacturers, team managers, developers, promoters, and everyone in between! Sit back, relax, and go behind the scenes as we interview them all!
In R/C car racing there are certain companies that I think we can all agree have taken our hobby to a new level since their establishment. One of these companies is onroad racing specialists, PROTOform. PROTOform has made more national and world championship winning onroad bodies and accessories than nearly anyone on the planet. This week, we have decided to sit down and chat with the father/son duo behind the world famous PROTOform product line, Dale and Eric Epp!
LiveRC: Welcome guys to this edition of "Talk-It-Up Tuesday!" Let's start off talking about where it all began. When, where, how, and why did you get started in R/C racing?Dale: Dale: Back in 1991 I was unhappy with the direction of my occupation. I just happened to see a RC Car Action magazine on a news stand and was so impressed with what I saw. It was a world I knew nothing about as a Canadian. The photo (in the magazine) of a hundred 1/10th scale stock cars lined up around the banked oval track in Lake Whippoorwill, FL was etched in my mind. I started to buy the magazine every month and soon concluded that a lot of the lexan bodies that were being used were really "hurtin" (in appearance). Within one year of that first exposure, I dove into the RC body business in a "make it or break it" type of way.
Eric: I’ve been around the hobby for as long as I can remember. Many of our family vacations and father/son roadtrips as a kid revolved around attending an R/C race somewhere in America. My earliest memories of R/C were the huge oval race in Lake Whippoorwill, FL and the US Indoor Champs in Cleveland. Not to mention always seeing the latest PROTOform projects come to life in my Dad’s shop.
LiveRC: Dale, when and what was the main inspiration behind starting PROTOform? Dale: Well.... there was a bunch of things. I always wanted to be self-employed. I always loved cars too, right from the time I figured out how to turn a page of Hot Rod Magazine. I was messing with cars from my early teen years and really enjoyed modifying and personalizing them. I always had a passion for aerodynamics and how it applied to auto racing and automotive design. When I looked at the whole RC car body thing, it seemed like all my interests and passions were not only useful - but vital. I simply couldn' t rest till I gave it my best shot.
LiveRC: Did you ever imagine it would grow into what it is today? Dale: Certainly not. I was shocked at how big it was in the early 90's and it's been pretty neat to see it evolve and become more technical and sophisticated.
LiveRC: Eric, how long have you been actively involved in the family business?Eric: I started designing graphics for PROTOform in 2010, mostly doing the decal sheets included with bodies and some merchandise. It was in early 2012 that PROTOform/Pro-Line hired me full-time to work in Brand & Product Development. I now wear many hats on the PROTOform side, from graphics to product design to social media to corresponding with our team of drivers around the world. It’s been really great getting more involved in the industry and getting to meet so many cool people.
LiveRC: Designing and creating bodies takes a lot of time, testing, and tweaking. Can you tell us a little about the process? How has this process changed over the years? Dale: Well, here's the part where I'm struggling a bit to be 100% honest - LOL. It's true that designing and producing a quality mold (to produce race bodies) is pretty laborious and time consuming. However the testing and tweaking part is not necessarily what many people would think. In an ideal world, I would live in a year-round warm climate. Ronald Volker or Lamberto Collari would live down the street from me, and I would have my own vacuum forming equipment and wind tunnel (in my own shop). If this were the case there would be a lot of testing and tweaking going on. But the reality is that the world's best on-road racers live in countries that are scattered all over the globe. Cold weather is something that most of them have in common, so the opportunities to test rarely coincide with our production and release schedules. I live in eastern Canada and Pro-Line is on the left coast of the USA. These molds are expensive and extremely difficult to modify. The chance of ruining a mold is a distinct possibility - while trying to improve it - LOL. So, I try my best to "get it right.....or at least close" the first time around. I've had a few epic failures in the past, and I try to learn from that wasted time and effort - to figure out exactly WHY it was a dud design. It's a slow process and I try my best to evolve my designs based on the bank of information that I've gained in previous designs. At PROTOform it's all about "evolution"..... not "revolution".
Eric: One of the main duties that I was hired for was to begin the process of designing race bodies using 3D CAD software. Dale has talent in body design that is 2nd to none in the industry, done 100% by hand, but we as a company are also committed to using all the newest technology available to us. The two Cyclone late models are the first PROTOform bodies to incorporate this new process.
LiveRC: PROTOform products have won numerous national, and world championships. What is your personal favorite championship win for PROTOform, and why?Dale: There have been many highlights so it's hard to pick and choose. The first one that comes to mind was what happened in1994. Masami provided the first ever IFMAR WORLDS win using a PROTOform body while in Germany. However, I was not there and it all seemed very surreal to me. I was pretty sure that there was some luck involved there. But in the fall of that year I went to Cleveland for the US Indoor Champs and this was the first "Wow Moment" in my new career. The famed and fabled Joel Johnson showed up with a PROTOform bodied car. He TQ'ed and won the whole deal - right in front of my eyes. I couldn't believe it.
The other race that I found to be a career hi-lite was the 2011 IFMAR 1/8th Nitro On-Road WORLDS in Homestead Florida. I had been trying for a few years to come up with competitive race bodies for this top-of-the-heap class. At the previous 1/8th WORLDS in Switzerland, I think there was about 2 or 3 Protoform bodies in the whole pit area. I was pretty bummed out. I badly wanted to figure out the bodies for these cars because they are stinkin' fast and very aero-dependant. So when I got to Homestead two years later I found that 126 of the 130 racers in competition were using Protoform racebodies. Must felt pretty awesome. A few weeks ago we were fortunate enough to repeat that same sweep at the 1/8th On-Road WORLDS in Japan.
Eric: Sweeping the top 10's at both of the Touring Car Worlds in 2012 and the 1:8 Worlds this past October was pretty awesome!
LiveRC: Which is your personal favorite PROTOform product, and why?Dale: It's usually the last project I've completed - LOL. Let's I would have to say it's the 190mm Mazda6 GX body that we will release in a couple weeks.
Eric: Currently, it’s the Better Edge: Sanding Drum. It was my first product design project with PROTOform, so it was cool seeing it come to life and get a great response from the R/C community. Plus it looks cool and works great! All-time, I would have to say the original Dodge Stratus touring car body. It paved the way for so many PF bodies that followed and was our first major touring car success!
LiveRC: What are some of your biggest accomplishments as a racer?Dale: I've never actually raced. I've had a radio in my hand for approximately 8 minutes..... in my entire life. It wasn't pretty....LOL.
Eric: I was there to witness that! It was at a “celebrity” race at the Canadian Nationals a few years ago. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so nervous!
As for me, I’ve only recently re-entered the racing side of the hobby since joining PROTOform, attending many races and getting the “itch!” I raced a ton back in my teenage years, with my top accomplishment being an A-Main finish at the Canadian Nats.
LiveRC: You guys have just released the Cyclone 10.0 dirt oval body. How does the carpet oval and dirt oval markets compare?Dale: The dirt oval scene is something pretty new to me and I'm still trying to figure out many aspects of it. The first surprise I had was just how passionate and articulate the average dirt oval racer actually is. They are very smart and really sweat the details. They are a very discerning and talented bunch of racers - just like the carpet oval guys.
Eric: It’s been really fun to learn more about this corner of the R/C Market. Although it might not be the most well-known, the level of competition among racers and innovation among manufacturers rivals any other sect that I’ve seen!
LiveRC: Who do you feel is the R/C racing G.O.A.T (greatest of all time)? Dale: Oh man, that's a tough one. The first names that come to mind are Collari and Masami. But...I'm going to go with Atsushi Hara. He's just so good at so many RC disciplines, and continues to be. I get the feeling that the best is yet to come with this man.
Eric: Gotta go with Masami!
LiveRC: What are the best AND worst things about the R/C car industry?Dale: Ah....that's easy. The best thing about the RC world is the people I've met - without a doubt. The guys I work with, the various RC manufacturers and of course, the racers. Just a bunch of top-drawer folks!
The worst thing is also easy for me to identify. It's the out-and-out unabashed way that many Italian and Asian companies rip off my best designs. Copying ideas is a normal part of the racing world and the business world. It happens in Formula1 every week. I'm not referring to that. I'm referring to the flat-out forgery that's been going on for the last 15 years - and getting worse every year. Heck, some of these crooks even leave the PROTOform name on their copied bodies and the EFRA/IFMAR/ROAR certification numbers in the windshield. It's a pretty annoying situation. I hate to sound so negative…but you asked.
Eric: The best things are the rush you get on the driver’s stand in the heat of competition (especially when your car is dialed!), as well as the ever-evolving technology and innovation among all the manufacturers. The worst thing I would have to say is the “accessibility” of the hobby to someone just starting out. It’s not cheap to go out and race, and the learning curve can be really steep.
LiveRC: Favorite travel story? Dale: Man... the IFMAR Electric Sedan WORLDS were in Torino, Italy in 2006 at the same time that Team Italy was winning the World Cup. Who could have planned this better - LOL? When Italy beat France for the overall win the whole town went nuts! It was so amazing to see the passion of the Italian sports fan and to actually be right there in the middle of it! There was some "elbow bending" before that day was over, if you catch my drift....LOL.
Eric: The multiple trips to In-N-Out Burger any time we travel to races in California or Vegas.
LiveRC: Favorite father/son moment?Dale: That's a tough one to narrow down. Every time I see the sparkle in Eric's eye when we're at an RC event - whether it's a local club event or the IIC race in Vegas - his passion for the sport and the industry is just so nice to see. He constantly makes me feel proud to be called "Dad".
Eric: Any time I can create something that makes my Dad go “wow”, makes me feel pretty good considering all he’s accomplished in the industry.
LiveRC: PROTOform has changed the face of carpet, asphalt, and now dirt oval racing time and time again, and has become an industry leader in products and design. We admire you both as individuals, as well as all that you've done at PROTOform. Thank you for joining us today, and we certainly hope to talk with you again soon! Dale: Hey... it goes both way guys! It's been so great to have you guys a part of the racing scene! You guys are professional in every way and do such a great job for the guys who can't get out to the big races. Just keep up the great job that you are already doing. BTW - keep sending Charlie to the races too....if you don't mind. He cracks me up....LOL!
Eric: Our pleasure! Keep up the great work promoting our sport.
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