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Talk-It-Up Tuesday with Scotty Ernst

Special Features


Main Photo: Talk-It-Up Tuesday with Scotty Ernst
By Mike Garrison
Welcome to LiveRC's weekly column, "Talk-It-Up Tuesday!" Here we spend a little time talking with industry icons including racers, manufacturers, team managers, developers, promoters, and everyone in between! Sit back, relax, and go behind the scenes as we interview them all! 
In any form of racing, the key to an exciting race is having an exciting announcer and great race director behind it. When it comes to R/C racing, one of the great men who provide R/C racers worldwide with exciting, well-organized, and enjoyable racing events of all kinds is none other than race directing extraordinaire and good friend, Scotty Ernst!
For this edition of "Talk-It-Up Tuesday" we have caught up with Scotty for a few minutes without a microphone for an inside look into the world of being a professional race director and announcer!
LiveRC: Welcome to "Talk-It-Up Tuesday" Scotty! You are a worldwide race promoting, directing, and announcing sensation, but before all of that you were quite the racer as well. Tell us how you got started in R/C racing?

Scotty: I think sensation is a bit over the top but thank you for that. I got out of the US Navy in 1988 and moved back to Milwaukee. Bowling was my hobby. I did not care what was going on, every Friday night I was going bowling. One day I heard an ad on the radio from Trackside Hobbies. I decided to go and check the place out and it was the first time I ever saw RC racing cars. I was absolutely amazed by it. And, I have not touched a bowling ball since 1988. RC Racing became my new hobby!

LiveRC: As a racer you are most well-known for your onroad days. What are some of the highlights of your onroad racing career?

Scotty: Back in the day when I first started on road racing. I started in the Tamiya Championship Series. This series was really huge and Modified Touring was the biggest. I was fortunate enough to win the US Nationals Championship in Mod Sedan in 1996 and travel to Japan to race in the Worlds. In 2000 I won Stock sedan in Snowbirds and a few years later won Stock 1/12th at the Asphalt Nationals. I had some great years of racing and wonderful memories. They say the older I get the faster I was. I think that is true.

(Scotty hosts one of the largest indoor carpet onroad races in America each year in Las Vegas, Nevada. The one and only International Indoor Championships.)

LiveRC: Onroad isn't as popular here in the United States as it once was, what do you think it needs to rebuild it?

Scotty: Tough question and one that I get asked often. I honestly think on road is making a comeback in popularity over the past year or so. If you look at all the big onroad events. IIC, Snowbirds, Nats they have had really strong turnouts the past year at all those events. There is a really nice track in the Denver area called 5280 raceway and they had a big race a month or so ago and it had a awesome turnout, so I think it is climbing back in popularity and interest.

(Scotty Ernst is still quite the racer...on and off road.)
LiveRC: How did you transition from being a racer to an announcer?

In 2001 Mike Reedy flew me out to California to be the announcer for the Reedy International On Road Race of Champions. What an honor to be asked to be part of this huge and historic race. After that event, other organizations and companies asked me to be part of their events and it has just grown from there.

LiveRC: Over the years you have travelled to some pretty amazing/interesting places with the Scotty Ernst Productions events. What is the most amazing place you've been and why?

Scotty: I have been blessed to be able to travel the world doing what I do and I really enjoy it. In 2009 I met Antonio Caroli, he owns a wonderful race track in Welkom, South Africa. Which is a little ways out of Johannesburg. He asked me to be part of their National Championships and brought me there to announce the event. He has a fantastic facility and all the racers there were so kind and really made me feel welcomed. It was an amazing country. I was able to see some breathtaking sights. We went out and saw some wild animals on a preserve and it really was something I will never forget ever. That is the one event/place that really stands out. 
(Scotty has worn many different hats in the world of R/C...literally. Not to mention he has been a racer, track owner, hobby shop owner, and professional announcer/race director.)

LiveRC: We understand that there have been some recent changes in the business world of Scotty Ernst. Possibly a little more time to focus on your existing and future events?

Scotty: Yes that is true. In 1993. We bought Trackside Hobbies from previous owner. Over the past 20 + years we worked very hard to build up a very family oriented business that made everyone that raced there feel like it was there home track. Owning a track and shop is a very time consuming business as with any small business you own. In the past few years with my Scotty Ernst Production business getting so busy, it has taken me away from Trackside quite a bit. This has not been fair to the business but most especially to our customers and racers at Trackside. They have come to expect a certain level of professionalism and service at Trackside and with me being gone so much, I felt we were not able to provide that and that was not fair to our customers. So I felt it was time to pass the torch and have someone take over the business and bring those standards back and he will actually exceed anything we were ever able to provide and make Trackside a better place. I am confident in that. Jamie has been part of Trackside even before we owned it. Heck he was one of the guys in the late 80's who taught me how to set my gear mesh on my original RC 10 when I first started into RC. Jamie has watched and been part of how we have run things in the past and knows exactly what it takes to provide the best customer service which is the key to a successful hobby shop and race track. He has the same passion I do for RC and eats, sleeps and bleeds RC just as I have done for the past 20 years. There is no question in my mind he is the one who will continue the tradition and make Trackside an even better place than it was. My eldest daughter Sarah Ann has been the manager of Trackside since the start of 2013 and together with Jamie are doing a fantastic job with shop and in only a little over a month have made great improvements and are really doing a great job. Moving on from Trackside will allow me more time to do a better job at my Scotty Ernst events and also will allow me some much needed time at home with my family. I also will be able to get to do what I love so much and that is get to RACE! I will be able to race at Trackside as much as I can and do some traveling and get around to some events also. So this move is a win for everyone, For Trackside, our customers, my other business and my family, so I can only be happy that I have had such a blessed 20 years of business and relish in the fact that it will continue on with the same values and goals to provide a great place to race with a family atmosphere.
LiveRC: You recently started a new onroad series in Asia called the Asian On Road Championship. Can you tell us a little about the series and where the idea came from?

Scotty: For the past few years, many companies have been asking to try and get a series going much like our ETS in Europe. After much planning I was able to get things set and begin the AOC. The AOC is a series that will travel to different locations around Asia and as far aways as Australia. We had our opening even in China at RCI Raceway and it went very well. Up next is Australia then Thailand and we will wrap up the first season at the historic Yatabe Arena in Japan. Next year the plan is to expand and travel to Malaysia, Hong Kong the Philippines as well as back to our opening year locations. On road in Asia is very strong and the response for the AOC has been fantastic. I am very excited to bring my style of events to new locations and new racers and help our sponsors reach out to new markets. 
LiveRC: Week after week you are traveling with your series races including the Shortcourse Showdown in America, the Euro Touring Series in Europe, the Asian Onroad Championship in Asia and Australia, and various other races. Which of these events do you enjoy the most?

Scotty: I am on On Road racer and that is where my love is, so I have to say any of the On Road events. But the last couple of years all I have been racing is Off Road, so they both have a place in my heart for what I love. Short Course has changed so much in our industry and I love bringing our style of Short Course racing to new areas of the country, so the Showdown also has a special place in my heart.

LiveRC: If you could be just a racer at any of one of your events, which event would it be and why?

With the popularity of our ETS and the amount of racers that join each event and the talent that is there each time. I would have to say an ETS event.

LiveRC: When Scotty Ernst isn't running races, what is he most likely found doing?

Scotty: Sad to say working on and organizing my other events, but my favorite thing to do is spend time at home. I really enjoy cooking with my daughters. When Sarah was younger, we used to cook a lot and have fun baking and some times burning things. I now try and cook with my youngest Daughter Nerissa as much as we can. We also love to go bike riding.

LiveRC: If you could be a professional at anything, what would it be?

Scotty: Wow that is a tough one, I guess I would say a professional boxing announcer like Michael Buffer. There is a guy who created a awesome niche for himself by creating a catch phrase! Travel around the world to exotic locations. Stay in 5 star hotels. Limo rides and when he has to work, He works for what maybe 30 minutes a night and gets paid crazy money. Yeahh. I could handle that.

(Charlie Suangka and Scotty Ernst are arguably one of the most entertaining announcing duos in R/C racing today.)
LiveRC: You and Charlie Suankga are a dynamic duo when it comes to race announcing. What is your favorite Scotty & Charlie memory?

Scotty: Ahhh. Charlie Suangka, The one and only. Charlie and I have been such good friends for so long that it makes it easy for us to work together. We never run out of things to say. I guess the best memory goes way back to the late 90's. Charlie and his dad used to come up to Trackside and race with us. We were holding a big oval race and they were there. Charlie has been a wise guy even when he was young. One day it all caught up with him and a group of us completely wrapped him up in plastic wrap. I mean he could not move and then they put him in the center of the oval. It was hilarious. That was something we wont forget. There is a picture out there somewhere of that.

LiveRC: One thing that most people don't know about Scotty Ernst?

Scotty: Shortly after I was discharged from the Navy and left the USS White Plains ship I was stationed on. They had a deadly engine room fire and some of my shipmates died and many were injured. If I would have not gotten out of the Navy and left that ship when I did. There is a chance I would not be here today.

LiveRC: Where is your next adventure taking you to and when?

Scotty: Next up for where in the world is Waldo… I mean Scotty, I am traveling to Austria for Rnd 5 of the ETS.

LiveRC: Thank you so much for spending time with us today Scotty! We look forward to seeing you soon! Is there anything you would like to add?

Scotty: It was my pleasure Mike, and thank you for the wonderful job you and all the LiveRC crew do to bring races and news to us from all around the world.  

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