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Team Durango interviews team driver "Mr. Precision" Hupo Honigl

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Main Photo: Team Durango interviews team driver "Mr. Precision" Hupo Honigl
By Mike Garrison
Our friends from Team Durango are always working on sharing with fans the latest behind the scenes moments with team drivers through Team Durango Interviews featured on the TD website.
This time the team sits down with offroad superstar, Hupo Honigl!
Team Durango Interview:
Courtesy of Team Durango 
Team Durango is proud of our rich racing heritage. Born from one man’s dream, we now benefit from a highly talented team of staff and pro drivers. If we had the chance to view a collection of C.V’s detailing our teams achievements it would make very inspirational reading.

For Team Durango to share our passion for racing with the world of RC it is important that we entrust our brand to the very best professional hands. When it comes to high level RC competition, Hupo Hönigl is a man who not only perfectly represents Team Durango, but who also stands as a strong example for professional motor sport as a whole. The Austrian born off-road racing star is everything Team Durango believe in. He is fast on the track, precise in his preparations and valuable as a consultant and information resource. His career has taken him across the globe and provided him with success in all classes he has chosen to race. Hupo is a real team player, often spending hours assisting other team drivers with important research and development tasks in preparation for high profile race meetings and product testing. He is revered by his peers and often feared by his close rivals. A multiple European champion and high scoring World Championship finalist, Hupo is only going in one direction with his already impressive racing career, to the very top.

Team Durango are ‘Serious About Racing’. Hupo Hönigl is serious about everything he does, with truly world class results.
Team Durango – At what age did you win your first off-road race meeting?

Hupo – I was 11 and it was my first race ever. It was my second time on a race track.

Team Durango – How long have you been involved with Team Durango?

Hupo – I used a Durango hand-made prototype in 2006, long time before the company was founded. At that time Gerd Strenge made cars just for fun!

Team Durango – Do you work closely with Team Durango founding father Gerd Strenge?

Hupo – Yes of course, we are good friends and work together on new ideas and test/make prototypes; we Skype very often and spend a long time doing so!

Team Durango – What has been your proudest moment in your career with Team Durango so far?

Hupo – For myself when I won the German Nationals 1/8th scale off-road in my first year. For the team when Jörn won the Reedy Race in 2012, because we worked hard for that success!

Team Durango – What is your favourite track surface to race on and why?

Hupo – It is carpet, because it is fast, consistent and makes close racing possible!

Team Durango – Can you describe the feeling you get just before the buzzer goes in a high pressure A main final?

Hupo – I try to calm down and concentrate as best as possible – a bit of excitement also does not hurt…

Team Durango – If you could choose one element of the Durango DEX410V3 as your favourite, what would it be and why?

Hupo – I love how easy you can take out the complete diffs! The drive shaft and shock boots are also some of my favourite features. I like the complete radical design!

Team Durango – How often do you get the chance to travel outside of Europe to race? Tell us where you travel to?

Hupo – The biggest and most important races in off-road are in America, so we go there as often as possible!

Team Durango – What is your favourite racing class and why?

Hupo – 2WD because it is the smoothest class of all!

Team Durango – Do you prefer a buggy that is set-up to over steer slightly or under steer? What do you find more suited to your driving style?

Hupo – A buggy needs to steer! Under steer is terrible!

Team Durango – Do you think that with the massive amount of options we see on modern ESC’s that less experienced racers can become confused? What is your opinion on ESC turbo settings?

Hupo – I think even with that many options it is easier than in the past – all the speedos have standard profiles, which work fine; And if you know more about your speedo you can set it up perfectly.
Team Durango – Describe your driving style as a colour?

Hupo – BLUE, smooth and nice. 

Team Durango – As a young racer did you learn from anybody specifically as you developed your skills?

Hupo – I really started to learn a lot when I started to drive international races! I learned a lot from Jukka Steenari and David Spashett.

Team Durango – Can you describe the feeling you experience the night before a big Euro or Worlds race meeting?

Hupo – Nothing special anymore…

Team Durango – How do you relax when you are not racing? Any other hobbies?

Hupo – I try to spend as much time as possible with my wife and my son.

Team Durango – What is the best thing about representing Team Durango?

Hupo – We are working on new exciting stuff all the time and people are always interested in what we do!

Team Durango – How many Team Durango vehicles do you possess? Do you carry several different cars for each class to be able to switch set-ups quickly?

Hupo – I have a car for each class, except 2WD and 4WD 10th scale – I have indoor and outdoor cars.
Team Durango – What is your favourite race meeting each year and why?

Hupo – Cactus Classic, amazing weather, a lot of traction and really cool tracks!
Team Durango – Can you explain the role you play in the development of new Team Durango products?

Hupo – I give my input to pretty much everything and also start new ideas.

Team Durango – Describe the DEX210 in 3 words?

Hupo – Most, adaptable, ever.

Team Durango – How did you choose the colours for your racing livery? Have you always had the same colour scheme?

Hupo – I always had blue in my bodies, the actual scheme I have had for 12 years now, unchanged! It has grown until a point where I think it is perfect.

Team Durango – What advice would you give a young club racer who wants to progress to larger racing events?

Hupo – Practice, practice, practice!

Team Durango – Do you prefer 2WD or 4WD?

Hupo – 2WD, because it is smoother!

Team Durango – Name your favourite off-road track of all time?

Hupo – Competition Hobbies Tucson Arizona when it was wet surface and everybody used slicks – nicest traction ever!
Team Durango – Team Durango strive for perfection with every product we create. Can you explain why Team Durango products are so exciting for you?

Hupo – Team Durango make everything in style and do not just copy other manufacturers, that is what people like to see!

Team Durango – What is your main goal for 2013?

Hupo – The Euros and Worlds.

Team Durango – Explain the most important element of becoming fast on any track?

Hupo – Tight lines and as minimum drifts as possible.
Hupo Hönigl has been working closely with Team Durango for many years. His racing ability is without question. The added charm and helpful nature of Hupo make him not just a highly decorated racing star, but also a highly liked person. His continued dedication will provide us all with the inspiration and feedback that it takes to continue making the very best racing products. We thank Hupo for his tireless efforts, and wish him the very best of luck for 2013 and beyond.
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