Oct. 11, 2012, 4:43 a.m.
By Mike Garrison
Team Trinity Race Report:
Team Trinity's D3.5 SPEC motors prove to be the highest consistency, provid the most power, and bring more race wins out of the box! More people used D3.5 motors at the IIC In Las Vegas than all the other brands combined!
1/12th 17.5 - John Tortorice TQ’s and wins the “A” main with a production D3.5 17.5 bought through Stormer Hobbies! 6 out of 10 A Main Drivers Chose D3.5 Power.
1/12th 13.5 - Andrew Knapp wins “A” main with a D3.5 13.5 & Revtech Rev2019 1s batteries! 7 out of 10 A Main Drivers Chose D3.5 Power.
World GT - Winner TQ’s and wins the “A” main with an EA Motorsports D3.5! 6 out of 10 A Main Drivers Chose D3.5 Power.
17.5 Touring Car - 6 out of 10 A Main Drivers Chose D3.5 Power.
13.5 Touring Car - 6 out of 10 A Main Drivers Chose D3.5 Power.
Special thanks to all our associates for using D3.5, Fantom, Express, EA Motorsports, OHP & Putnum Performance.
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