As you may have heard, seen, and/or have been involved in making...the latest internet "trend" is the "Harlem Shake". Thousands upon thousands of homemade "Harlem Shake" videos are flooding the YouTube world. Everyone from firefighters, news anchors, famous athletes, soldiers, and now R/C enthusiasts have joined in by producing their own "Harlem Shake" videos!
What is the point behind them? We're not really sure, but after watching hundreds of others join in making them...we want to make one ourselves!
For the onroad and drift crowd we have found this video from YouTube user "James Williams":
For the offroad and short course crowd we have found this video from YouTube user "mikkiroo":
For the industry companies and business crowd we have found this video from the staff at
Do you have an R/C Harlem Shake video of your own? Share the link below!
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