Brian Kinwald is a 2-time I.F.M.A.R. World Champion and has been back with Team Associated for a little over a year now. In that time, "The Dirtinator" has been working on his setups for all his Team Associated vehicles; however, one of his main focuses has been on the Factory Team SC10 4x4.
The radical design and uniqueness of this class requires countless hours of testing and research. The setup and pictures seen here are the result of hour-after-hour of on-track testing and development. The Dirtinator has used the modifications and this setup with great success in the Short Course Showdown Series, most recently taking the TQ and win at Tacoma R/C Raceway.
Check out the photos and details below to see what has propelled Kinwald to the top.
(Kinwald prefers the Factory Team saddle pack battery setup as opposed to the single stick pack layout. This helps move the weight forward and balances the truck left to right.)
(Brian was instrumental in developing the optional steering rack. This helps make the car more neutral, yet turns tight corners.)
(Kinwald has removed some material to allow for cooling fans on his motor. These are from Reedy (#605).)
(Here you can see the use of the "C" hub towers (#ASC9873) to raise the camber link on the rear hubs. Note the 7mm of washers on the inner ball stud as well.)
(Kinwald has always preferred the bling. Note the gold ballstuds (#ASC91118 - 91121), blue aluminum screw kit (#ASC91172) and titanium shock mounts (#ASC91139).)
(To optimize the weight distribution, BK prefers 60g of weight (#ASC31296) ahead of the servo.)
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