Nov. 1, 2012, 8:44 a.m.
By Mike Garrison
Lately we here at LiveRC have been glued to our computer screens before and after work for countless hours of shortcourse offroad racing in the most realistic R/C simulator game on the market, VRC Pro. They have announced that while the game started with only onroad racing, they are continuing to expand with yet another offroad racing class...1:8 nitro buggy!
VRC Pro Press Release:
Whenever we launch a new class like Short Course trucks back in August, one of the first questions always is: what’s next? Well, next is 1:8 nitro buggies, a class of r/c racing that is very popular throughout the world!
At this moment we are still in preparation mode for this class. 1:8 Nitro buggies will be our first ‘open-wheel’ type of chassis, requiring fully animated suspension, including the suspension arms, shocks, sway bars, track rods and drive shafts. This type of animated suspension requires a different approach on the physics as this part of the software controls all these movements. In the other chassis the suspension geometry is laid out as 2 ½ D, but the open wheel off-road buggies need 3D geometry because of the complexity of these suspensions. Not only needs the rake angle of the front suspension to be modeled in 3D, also other features like C-hubs and anti-squad geometries need to be fitted in. This called for a complete overhaul of the suspension system by physics expert Todd ‘Doc’ Wasson.
The result will not only be very nicely animated suspension, but also more accurate suspension geometries for the physics engine to calculate the car behavior which will result in further refined handling. Eventually all classes may benefit of the new 3D geometry technology that is now being developed for 1:8 buggy.

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