May 31, 2012, 5:51 a.m.
By Mike Garrison
X Factory Race Report:
Driving his X Factory X – 6 Squared, Nikos Androulidakis has won the first two races of the four-race Greek National Championship. The best three results count with one throw-out, so with two wins Androulidakis looks to have the best chance to take the overall title. The reigning Greek Champion, Nikos wants to repeat with the X – 6 Squared.
The first event was Feb 12 at the indoor St. Mountain track in downtown Athens. The X Factory buggy was well suited to the half polished cement and half astro surface, and Nikos TQed the grid and easily won A Mains 2 & 3.
The second event was May 6th at the R/C Hobby Arena in Aspropirgos. This outdoor race featured a newly built hard packed dirt track which was surprisingly abrasive. Here Androulidakis put his X – 6 Squared second on the grid; Nikos took second in A-1, first in A-2, and third in A-3 to wrap up his second win and a commanding lead in the Championship.
Stay tuned for the last two events later this year, September at the Northern Greek HobbyTown track in Serres and November at Stamata Athens.
Report and photos courtesy
Photos used with permission
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