July 31, 2012, 5:37 a.m.
By Mike Garrison
Viper R/C charged onto the market a couple of years back, and has been growing more and more ever since with their lineup of surface and air ESC/brushless motor systems. The latest in the Viper R/C lineup is the all-new "Black Edition" VTX10 surface ESC. While the ESC has been spotted multiple times in its testing stages, we get our hands on the completed product as it hits hobby shops worldwide!
First Impression
Hands down, Viper R/C, has some of the most stylish and quality packaging we have ever seen. They include the type of boxes that you DON'T want to throw away because they look that cool. As we opened up the box we were greeted with what appeared to be a standard VTX10 ESC, except lose the orange and paint the case flat black (hints "Black Edition"). While the ESC itself is in the same compact VTX10 case, upon further inspection we found the "Black Edition" includes a new BEC unit that was new to us. Overall the unit looked stealthy and gave us the impression that it meant serious business.
The Build & Setup
As we mentioned earlier, the "Black Edition" ESC is the same basic case design as the standard VTX10, which is smaller than many and fits quite nicely in almost all 1/10 scale vehicles. The "Black Edition" focuses on 2S battery applications and is intended for 2-pole 540 brushless motors (The VTX10R "Black Edition" is also available which is 550 compatible). We setup the VTX10 "Black Edition" in our mod 2wd buggy with a VST7.5 turn brushless motor. As this unit is designed for racing, not bashing, the ESC is NOT waterproof like the standard VTX10.The newly designed BEC unit is stronger than the standard VTX10, and although it is rather bulky, it's size and appearance assured us it would have no issues handling the mod motor conditions. The added BEC unit brings the VTX10 "Black Edition" to 56g in weight (without wires). Although small in size, it weighs 15-20g more than larger units on the market. Using the ProGauge programmer (optional), we quickly setup the new ESC and had it ready to hit the track.
(The all-new BEC is stylish and big enough to handle whatever you throw at it)
(The VTX10 "Black Edition" is a very compact unit as you can see here.)
On the TrackViper R/C features their Progauge programmer which makes fine tuning and adjustments very handy. The ESC also comes pre-programmed with multiple preset profiles for various applications. The "Modified Offroad" profile was our starting point and with little adjustment we felt comfortable on the track. The overall power delivery and settings were very smooth and provided a consistant feel. While going fast and running smooth wasn't a problem, the unit lacked the braking power we desired. After changing a few settings in the ESC, braking was better, but still not where we had hoped.
Viper R/C has without a doubt turned a lot of heads this past couple of years with their new products. The VTX10 "Black Edition" is a race inspired ESC unit that is packed with all of the features, tuning options, and durability serious racers are looking for. Not to mention the industry leading 365 day warranty and customer support online and over the phone. Despite our troubles slowing down and its hefty weight, the Viper VTX10 "Black Edition" is a solid performance ESC in which we expect to see more of in the winner's circle soon!
Product Information
Product: Viper R/C VTX10 "Black Edition" ESC
Price: TBA
Availability: Late July
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